The Quantum Coalition is a group of students and enthusiasts in undergraduate quantum computing clubs, founded in 2020 as a partnership between Stanford and Yale to host the first QC Hack 2021. The Coalition has grown to include clubs all across the world!
Who are we?
Member Clubs
Our Values
We believe in no barriers to entry. Quantum Coalition strives to create an environment where anyone can exchange scientific ideas, learn, and take the next steps on their journey into quantum.
We believe that diverse perspectives are essential for solving the most pressing scientific challenges.
The foundation of the Quantum Coalition is a community of undergraduate student organizations sharing enthusiasm about quantum computing.
Quantum Coalition Executive Board
Dmitrii Khitrin | President
Duke University | Senior | He/Him
Dmitrii Khitrin is Senior in Physics at Duke University and an officer of the Duke Undergraduate Quantum Information Society (DuQIS). He has performed research into the sympathetic cooling of trapped ions and theoretical quantum control at the Brown Lab for the past 3 years. He is also an avid globetrotter, having visited Iceland, the Czech Republic, Georgia, and Azerbaijan over the span of 2 weeks
Thomas Verrill | Vice President
Princeton University | Senior | He/Him
Thomas Verrill is the Undergraduate President of Princeton Students in Quantum and a Senior in Electrical and Computer Engineering concentrating on Quantum Information and Applied Physics. He conducts undergraduate research in superconducting qubit coherence research at the Houck Lab. He also has experience implementing research papers in quantum circuit compilation. In his free time, he plays jazz trombone and is a radio DJ for WPRB Princeton.
Jenny Chen | Treasurer
UC Berkeley | Junior | She/Her
Jenny (she/her) is a junior at UC Berkeley ('26) studying physics and cs, excited about quantum information science. She currently does research on superconducting qubits, investigating factors stemming from fabrication or design factors which limit qubit lifetimes. As co-president of Quantum Computing at Berkeley she hopes to get more people involved in this emerging field. Outside of the quantum realm, she enjoys rock climbing, going on long walks, and browsing the Trader Joe's frozen section.
Santiago Lopez | Learning Resource Manager
Purdue University | Senior | He/Him
Santiago Lopez is the Founder of the Quantum Student Organization at Purdue and deeply passionate about research in Quantum technology and Software. He’s been involved in QIS research into superconducting qubits since freshman year and has done research internships at Fermilab and CU Boulder. He currently works as a software developer for quantum optimization algorithms at a startup out of Purdue. He also used to compete internationally in Taekwondo, Representing Uruguay
Mihir Talati | Industry Chair
University of Maryland | Sophomore | He/Him
Mihir Talati is a sophomore pursuing dual degrees in Physics and CS with interests in quantum algorithms and high energy physics. He's involved with research in Quantum Machine Learning and Particle Accelerator Design. Apart from research he also serves the Outreach Coordinator for the UQA and the Co-President of the ACM at UMD. In his free time he loves to play and develop video games, fence the saber and build mechanical keyboards.
Luke Curran | Media Manager
Case Western Reserve University | Sophomore | He/Him
Luke Curran is a student at Case Western Reserve University studying data science. He also serves for Social Media Manager for the Case Quantum Computing club and is passionate about coding, with active involvement in hackathons such as HackCWRU, quantum and competitive programming. He is also pursuing a minor in Spanish, something he plans to put into practice as he studies abroad in Argentina this Spring.
Angela Jia | Social Chair
Stanford University | Junior | She/Her
Angela is a student at Stanford University studying physics. She is an officer in Stanford Quantum Computing Association (SQCA) and conducts research in the Schleier-Smith lab to measure the stability of experimental setups for generating entanglement. In her free time, she enjoys reading and skateboarding.
Quantum Coalition Advisory Board
Caden Kacmarynski
Alumnus Advisor | He/Him
Caden is a Generative AI developer at MorelandConnect. He is the co-founder and former president of the Case Quantum Club (CQC). He has research experience in quantum optics, quantum circuit simulations, and large language model implementation. Caden has spent two summers researching at Argonne National Laboratory and currently was a Student Stem Ambassador for Agronne. He is passionate about quantum technology as well as the entrepreneurial aspect of the emerging quantum industry. In his free time, Caden enjoys watching sports, working out, and playing video games.
Ben McDonough
Alumnus Advisor | University of Colorado Boulder | He/Him
Ben is a graduate student in Physics at CU Boulder. Ben’s interests lie at the intersection of quantum information and condensed matter theory, dynamical phase transitions, and quantum chaos and thermalization. In his free time, Ben enjoys rock-climbing, learning languages, and playing Flute.